FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10longer muddied by his past. Free now of royal bondage, Kenny escaped to the countryside & the empire now known as "Kenny's Krumpets" was born. All's well that ends well!
10the Navy, -Instigate the Alamo, - Forget your monkey, - Call yesterday, - Give organic knives, -Live for... Wait a minute. I'm all mixed up! Can we start again? OK. -Tickle your
11of the show "What's Happening." Von Wolfeshlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff (the III) reported from Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhen
11monkey, - Spank your knife, - Instigate yesterday, - Forget the Navy, - Live for the Alamo, - Call organic, -Turn your head & laugh, -Cough like no one's watching, -Dance till the
12stories because I must make one more story about Detective Manatee. I owe it to him for the thing he did for me back in Jakarta. It's the one loyal thing I'll ever do in my life.