FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13was prancing around, pitchfork in one shank, seeking out sinners! The butcher & his wife screamed at the sight of their succulent dinner searching for fresh meat itself. They leapt
10--nothing! His iHammer pants weren't getting a signal. Maybe the pants had a virus. Hurtling downward, at 15,000 ft. in the air he suddenly thought of how the pants might save him:
10The little cubs all drowned. And that, Goldilocks, is why you must stay home, even when I go out and Uncle Bert stays with you. And you must do whatever he says. Goldi shook her
12reached down and held the gold rose in the palm of his hand, the train hit him full force at 160 Kilometers per hour...and there was silence...and time took hold of him and sent
10stonewall, where they were loved and excepted as who they were. They no longer had to pretend that God loved them. They knew he did as he'd given them an out clause or something.