FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11LSD but even so I believe that the vision is a true portrayal of the final battle I will be forced to fight to defend
10D. Master Control Program E. Revert to cuddle-me-Elmo cloak mode. "Whaa?" After initial shock discovering my Elmo doll was a means of surveillance & control I reprogrammed Elmo to
10been fine if I hadn't recognized the lead head-banger: my AUNT VALETTA! I always knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could scream! Black leather does not become her.
11At all costs, I'm just trying to avoid eye contact. I can handle the repugnant smell and deal with the abhorrent facial sores. But if that guy next to me on the bus starts to
15Doreene shuffled dern ta yeller brick bowleevard and came up on a scardeecrow right dumber'n a box of hammers. Farther on, tey met a tin man who needed his heart transplanted.