FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10D. Master Control Program E. Revert to cuddle-me-Elmo cloak mode. "Whaa?" After initial shock discovering my Elmo doll was a means of surveillance & control I reprogrammed Elmo to
13(No FoldingStory participants were harmed in the making of this Fold. Special thanks to MoralEnd, without whom none of this would have been necessary.)
12nik impressions & I screamed in demented Russian to the people upstairs that I swore on Rasputin's pickled penis I was not a bat murderer. Au contraire, that my fraternal love for
10All the living beings of the ocean were invited to the party. The predators, their meals and the meals of the meals. The kind of party you can't tell if you'll get out of it alive.
11"Yukon gold! Nuggets as big as your fists! Yeehaw!" he said. We immediately took a hard right and canoed to Nova Scotia. Cold as a witches teet it was, but we had nowhere else to