FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14a mournful, melancholy love song as the ethereal sea foam billows around us longingly. 15.) Tame a dragon and fly on its back into the sunset 16.) Locate the infamous
10It made him feel purdy. He spackled on flesh-colored foundation to cover the scars and stitch marks. Now what to do about the blue tongue and nails?
11My latest project is to publish my 1000 Greatest Folds divided into categories w/ sub-categories. For example, under SAD will be the categories Aliens, Sex, Junk Food. Under HAPPY
10Confused, holding a bone saw, he looked down at Vince on the operating table. "Where?" The nurse shook him and pointed, "On the dotted line! Hurry!"
12To Rambo's discomfort, Richard Simmons just wanted to whip his ass no matter what shape it was in. Furthermore, televised exercise was selling out. Rambo moaned in fat despair.