FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11confused, talking voles? Mute clairvoyants? Silent tears? Then I understood:This world with its golden spotlight & starstreaked midnight curtain is a stage, and we are the players.
11How could Spider woman have never heard of Rooibos? She apparently hadn't been to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's lately. She preferred coffee, black with no sugar. Hobgoblin was
10By the time the firemen arrived, there was nothing left of the cafe and everyone had fled the scene. Everyone except for one man, who just stood there staring angrily at the ruins.
11the differences between metaphor and the literal scope." "As in," he retorted, "I'm being figuratively henpecked by you, and literally by Sigmund's chicken." Sigmund smiled slyly.
10sharpening my butter knife. They'll pay. They'll all pay! As soon as my dog walker walked into my apartment condo, I lunged at him like an Olympic fencer. He somehow parried it