FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
18find myself strapped to her back as she bungee jumps from a helicopter over the Caspian Sea. My puppet eyes watch in horror as the helicopter seems to become tiny, then larger, as
10It was romantic as hell. We started with appetizers and finished with a duel. She wasn't wearing any underwear. Neither was I.
13Dogs were her passion, her life. She had to try it. She could go to Harvard later. Like her mother always said "Money can wait, dreams cannot"
10Wikid, the surgeon, peering eagerly into the hollow of my bowels. Dr. Wikid stretched my navel & released, sending a pinball careening around a lung to bounce off the heart & into
11LSD but even so I believe that the vision is a true portrayal of the final battle I will be forced to fight to defend