FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The approach of day is heralded with the sonorous voices of the huge gongs being vigorously beaten by the official welcomer of the dawn.
14"Unfortunately, we also know what it smells like," agreed Regina, and she flounced out the door, flipping the hair on both of her heads in a saucy manner no man can resist. Herman
10would be freed from the sentient tapeworms populating his small intestines. He was conflicted.
10...set the fireplace to "burning," because the house should have a more rustic look 15) Make sure the moon is full, because god knows satan likes a full moon 16) say these words:
10("Damn! That's some good writing there!" I said to myself.) The cries of the lost children blended with the wind, lost on the ears of the swamp-forest hunters, who searched in vain