FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10even a single fold, there are repercussions throughout all dimensions. This is especially true for SlimWhitman's folds, for reasons that cannot be discussed. ***SEVERE FOLD ALERT:
10"I guess I can take a joke." And with that the shadow shrank and Tad grew until he was a giant without a shadow. He missed it, as it was the only thing that ever followed him.
10So the parrot says. "Listen Doc, my last.." Oh sorry times up for the monologue. My first guest this evening is a sub-par looking actress with limited talent staring in a mediocre
10How could I have forgotten that hotel room full of smoke? Lana'd gotten a bag of loose cigarettes and over the two weeks, the room took on hazy strata. I'd count the layers and
13They knew the brain was a universe in itself; myriads of neurons in lieu of galaxy clusters. The leading sea monkey bore through the inner ear and was first to reach the cortex.