FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10USDA dietary standards? What breakfast foods would be "eliminated"? Panic-stricken, he rotary-dialed the governor, Chris Christie, to inform his of the pop-tart incident.
14." Gen. Kebab and the Meats hated Minister Salad & his Veggies. But they could not ignore the threat posed when Sgt. Relish unnaturally merged forces with Col. Mayo on 1000 Island.
11g...Warning...Warning' If that thing shut up maybe I could think back to my Fleet Training course. Hmmm. Plasma's gone. No source of backup power on the class A model. Looks like
10folding story? You can fold once but you never know where you'll end up." "If I pluck an eyebrow will people still notice my nose is crooked?" "Toilet seat: Down or up?"
15the grate-n-powerfool Gizzard. 'Pears to me dat you could use some hep, too." So the sceerdy lion joined in wid the rest & ambled on down da yeller brick road. When dey came to