FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11And got them on just in time! The honey pot was what Pooh craved most. But he followed instructions. The lederhosen looked okay on Pooh. A little boy passed by and complimented him
11How could Spider woman have never heard of Rooibos? She apparently hadn't been to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's lately. She preferred coffee, black with no sugar. Hobgoblin was
10-ached the ground. I sent a beacon out to the blancmange planet to send more flan to earth, but they wired back that they had become a celestial frogurt stand. It finally dawned on
10At least that was the plan. But when I entered the lady's room something was wrong. I didn't enter a bathroom, I had crossed some time door which sent me all the way back to
10I'm not paranoid! I'm not paranoid! [curtain] Scene 7: [CLARA sprawled onstage, moaning] BUSTER: Well, what's this? Are those tire marks? [hill giggles]