FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10only had two miracles up his sleeve - heal cleft palate and "saintly glow while praying for the end of famine" so he was stationed in a dark corner before the statue of Our Lady of
10Sing through a vacuum cleaner hose and play back backwards in a steel drum while passing steam through a radiator. Mix with bridge cable vibrations and whale flatulation sped up
10As Edison turned around, his eyes met Tesla's, and a tense moment of silence followed. Edison made his move first, making a beeline straight for his centre mass.
11he'd left the world of twisted metal and broken bodies behind when he'd renounced underground exoskeleton fighting. But here he was, working sanitation in the early morning, stari
12heavy with feeling. "Ummm... I walked here tbh," I replied. So we set off together to my remote cabin, a 7 mile hike over rough ground. He started wheezing as my grocery cart skitt