FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
17My puppet master yanked my strings to and fro. One moment he or she, I think I prefer a she, has plopped me on the divan watching hours and hours of Antique Roadshow and the next I
10licked his teeth as though to menace my dentist. He reached into his pocket and revealed my true nature. And that, officer, is why I trashed the place.
10Cliff Huxtable had gotten a card game together with Norm & Woody. Only Norm's cell phone kept ringing because Rachel wanted him to bring home some face cream. I ate the last donut.
10'This is NOT a book' it said on the cover. He turned it (book?) around in his hands and thought:'if this is NOT a book, then what is it?' He tried to open it, but the cover seemed
11But, like so many marriages, it also had an expiration date. Thus, on my wedding night, I dove right in and went to town eating my new spouse, the box of PB Crunch. Yum!!