FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11JMan thought he was flying for a moment, before he hit the hard, damp ground. He could hear Det laughing as the train disappeared around the bend. His wrist was sprained, but
11'fervently ardent'. And please put down that sausage. I find it strangely fascinating." The sausage guru hung his head and said "As you wish, O fa," and hid it under his vestments.
10production of "Death of a Salesman", set in a post-apocalyptic Paris & featuring anachronistic costuming choices & minimalist set design. Crisis averted, he set off to find Willy.
13that shaved daily with a cutthroat razor. 49erFaithful was unaware of the plot and hid in a corner whilst a stampede of wild camels galloped by. The window of opportunity opened
10nished with a fleeting modicum of enjoyment before my tentacular acquaintance squeaked the final invocation that would collapse all existence. I mustered my sympathy and said,