FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Cup of tea?" Before she could respond, he thumped her over the head with his Bible. She came to in the Pentagram Chamber, hearing his wicked
11was postponed due to rain predicted that Saturday. Godzilla and Lobsterman caught up on sleep while they revamped their invasion attempts.
11It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading - performance reviews. Beelzebub tapped a clipboard. "Well, Sissy, it looks like today's your lucky day. You've been reassigned to
11And got them on just in time! The honey pot was what Pooh craved most. But he followed instructions. The lederhosen looked okay on Pooh. A little boy passed by and complimented him
19had a voice like cognac and I could drink it in all night. I guess that's how I would up pregnant in the first place. But now that I'm a girl in trouble Dr. Drinkingstein has left