FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15A pessimist, an optometrist, an oncologist and a talking prune walk into a bar. The bartender says to the group "What would you like?" The pessimist says "Meh, you won't have it."
10No-one had any idea what the hell that meant. But Kailyn Jenner and Ellen DeGeneres found some sort of meaning as their eyes met over the punchbowl at the charity ball. Sparks flew
10"God no, don't, you'll kill yourself," my bawling wife implored as she pulled at my robe sleeve. I batted her arms away. "Stand aside, woman! I am going to submit 100 folds today
10a nor'wester blowin a rum looking packet my way. It had a superstructure enclosing the decks, apparently as defense against Giant Middle Aged Squid Men like me. I ripped the flimsy