FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11s & pinched her belly rolls. "Hey, cut that out. Don't treat me like some piece of meat.. you skinny rake you!" Shall laughed like an earthquake & grabbed him with her great pudgy
11said "Oi, what do you think you are doing?" He choked on his taco. "I'm providing a bed to the homeless officer, is there a problem?" Yeah, you forgot a pillow"
12How to Erotically Caress a Nose. 1) Breathe. Breathing's important. 2) To avoid startling the subject, approach from sideways on. 3) Position the nose at a 50 degree angle. 4) Shak
13But Bob was telling me that ants WERE my friends. I kicked away the traps and lay down. The ants swarmed over me and lifted me up. They were taking me to their bloated queen
10Sara Hyperbola from Folding story b0er7. Ryder imagined Sara torn by her cardboard virtuality.Lynch wanted Depp to play Flat Stanley with a Freddy Kruger Scissorhands edge,but when