FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10... oh dear, too late. He took that off! Needless to say, the sordid details of what followed is too raw for innocent eyes. But when it was all over, I posted it all on facebook,
11"...and then I was traded for a million dollars," Giant Old Squid Man finished. "The rest is history." The Squid grandchildren sat at his feet, enraptured. "Tell us about the time
10you or somebody else. Somebody that can pull their souls out through their feet? Somebody that can defeat their visions? If you are I can't believe I just called you pencil dick!
11impending armageddon. He also had a myriad of leftovers rotting in the workshop and some canned goods. Much to Mattie's dismay, Gill was a conspiracy theorist hoarder which made
11little faces. Wilfred was in a foul mood,which probably meant his diabeetus was acting up again. "I hate staying at Uncle Wilfred's house" whispered Jane, who ducked when a pancake