FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10CLASSIFIED: When SlimWhitman reaches 10,000 points in FoldingStory, this website will self-destruct within 30 seconds.
11hot and heavy. The smoke pour out of that oven made the who room smell like heaven. It was so good that Mrs. Butterworth died of Turkey scent overload.
10." When she arrived, everyone at the saugage fa was in full swing, awaiting the arrival of their great swami, fa baker. "All hail the holy fa!" they chanted, windmilling their arms
11and once I secured that, the "what"s and "who"s would not mean a thing. Secluded and removed from my past and any strings attached, I'd exist in bliss -- incredulous, arrogant bli
11he descended the gangway & resolutely entered the customs station. "I am bringing this suitcase of mine in on a citizen's arrest!" he announced dramatically, "It contains heroine!"