FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I wasn't sure how to handle this. Being stuck on a class A Kitty Hawk that ran out of plasma had to be serious. The thing was completely dead, except from a voice repeating 'Warnin
16Start stocking up on rogaine®, Viagra® & pepto for the retirement years. 23. Count number of hairs left in my "barcode". 24. Have my will drawn up so that no good cheating tramp
13speckled flycatcher I just saw whizzing by the plane?" I said to the navigator. He looked away and I clocked him atop his head with the fire extinguisher. No more weed for him.
11Stepping into his apartment, Steve noticed for the first time that there was a grey squirrel sitting on his sofa, right where he swore the night before he had left his prized
12passer by to challenge him to a game. He relished the thought that a few minutes later he would once more emerge victorious, triumphant and one game closer to death.