FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14SlimWhitman was the second author of this folding story. He's been with Foldingstory since the early cretaceous.He likes a good pun, running gags & funny folds, unlike this one.
11The giant squirrel skittered up to the counter and suddenly froze sideways, chewing rapidly on the stogie, dropping ashes everywhere."You looking for a sofa?" I asked. The squirrel
10He was the kinda guy that'd take little incidents & observations from everyday life & work them into bits on an anonymous collaborative storytelling site. You know the type. A real
10He dreamed about the Moody Blues and wondered if he was born in the wrong generation. Then the bookcat started. I'm-I'm sentient? it thought. Eureka! An evolutionary revolution!
11I keep falling asleep at the worst possible moments.