FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10spaper clippings were on the coffee table. Elliott thought this was the craziest crime scene ever. The dead gold fish were hung w/satin ribbons like mobiles all over the library.
10"I guess I can take a joke." And with that the shadow shrank and Tad grew until he was a giant without a shadow. He missed it, as it was the only thing that ever followed him.
10"Are we necromancers, Magic Orb?" repeated the first as he snatched the orb from the second's hands. "Look, I'm dead tired. Ask again tomorrow," was the orb's reply. The two looked
11"Did we..." "Yes," she said. "How was I?" he asked. She handed him her pleasure map. "You missed all the X's, but it was good for me, 'Long John'." His ex was into pirate role play
10...easy for you to say.