FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10gets a new torch filled with explosives, let it blow. If Justice loses her blindfold, pay her off", and all start laughing like a pack of hyenas. "We need to divert attention away
11Lou Bergs had traveled all the way through time to mow my lawn. He swore that my single mom's grilled chicken breast was worth the trouble, though I suspected darker motives. Penet
10out of production. I did that with almost everything I liked. This dead cat earring: out of production. This hooded lab rat: out of production. Wait; those are still in production.
10Was a cat in a bookshop. His job was sniffing the books and greeting customers. He even guarded the sidewalk against dogs. Next, he had what could be called a Gemini dream.
10D. Master Control Program E. Revert to cuddle-me-Elmo cloak mode. "Whaa?" After initial shock discovering my Elmo doll was a means of surveillance & control I reprogrammed Elmo to