FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10little sympathy. One fateful day, however, I broke down completely when I was at the supermarket and Grateful Dead's Dancing Bear music came on. I freaked out & ran screaming down
11More silence. Deadly silence. Scaly gill pulsing silence... It was the silence of the goldfish. What were those carnivorous Cypriniformes up to? I spied through the keyhole
10Mr. Potato emptied the powder into a human skull and added boiling water. "This will complete the ritual," he muttered to himself. However, he hadn't accounted for the eye sockets.
14has no idea where it had been going in the first place, but hopes that it involves vultures, hallucinations, zombies, and a man in pink pants. Let us enter Lester's Disco and see
12into my pillow and let the soothing voice lull me to sleep. My dreams that night, of course,were of ISIS receiving H bombs from Kim Jung Un. Never eat a Halloween sack full of