FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10By the time the firemen arrived, there was nothing left of the cafe and everyone had fled the scene. Everyone except for one man, who just stood there staring angrily at the ruins.
10my lost diamond encrusted toilet plunger. I had the Manatee P.I. searching the entire Bay of Biscay for it after it got sucked through my toilet after I laid an especially large
12I read them once just to see how awful they were. A second time, just to be sure. And a third time to round out my ideas for my version of Twilight fanfiction. My main character
12Street Sweeper 90210, Street Sweeper Down Under, Street Sweeper Week, Return of the Street Sweeper, A Street Sweeper Strikes Back
10He was known variously as a deep thinker, a risk taker, a loser. The kinda guy to pass out on a sea cliff with an empty nitrous balloon in one hand & his underwear in the other.