FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13his future as a superstar Folder seemed to dwindle with every passing second. "You can still finish this, just concentrate!" a faint voice in his epilepsy-wracked brain told him.
11Just a few gulps of pink paint, and an hour or so with the belt sander took care of those little details. Frankie assessed himself in the mirror. Not bad for a monster! The reunion
10started to flicker and then I saw blood running down the inside of the screen. It ran through the wire to the computer. The disc drive sprang opened & blood gushed over my cubicle
14I believed her. It didn't calm my qualms. Although not related to me, I called Regina & Delores Mudd. They were the bass player for the periwinkle ramona. "I'm a Mudd. What does it
13and my freshly laundered cotton curtains danced daintily in the breeze. So enthralled was I with their whimsical movement, I didn't notice the stampede until 49erFaithful whistled