FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14"They give me one star, I give them the Death Star." Darth, helmetless and harrowed, marched to the front of the ship. passing his new trampoline & pinball machine in the hallway.
10"Harry! That's no way to talk about our Muffy. It's not her fault she was made from a box. Not every muffin can be made from scratch!" Blueberry Harry looked down at Muffy's stump.
11I made my way to the crypt and found the corpses of all my guards, each sitting side-by-side. I made my way deeper into the crypt and found a decapitated head on a pike. I quickly
11curly black hair that could only belong to Burt Reynolds. Being Burt Reynolds chest hair really has me missing Loni Anderson and WKRP in Cincinnati. It used to be that I could
13mental state. It was an entirely wrathless state he achieved with 10 years of total indifference at work and in the bedroom. But this fold, THIS FOLD. Peter's dormant neurons awoke