FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10doctors, in fact, the place looked as if it had been abandoned, with empty wards gathering dust and the only sign of life being the occasional mouldy sandwich. I drew the curtains
10in perfect unison. Then a sausage guru stepped forward and said "Oh holy fa! We have all wondered for years, what does fa actually mean?" The fa simply replied "It's an acronym for
10a challenging technique of employing hydrophones in a clandestine manner.(Whales are very private in their gas passing habits).In the conspiracy against Enya, Yanni partnered Beano
11I didn't tell the crew.The political officer was already suspicious about my motive for entering this remote sector. But now that I'd seen my clone floating in deep space
12think it has something to do with the name "Wayne." It reminds me of that old show, "Wayne's World." You know those two were high on something.