FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12dally in her back alley like some silly sally snorting tiffy and taffy like cray cray was catching. The nuns were ON THE JOB now. This was their case now. Finding Tally Olde was
14SlimWhitman was the second author of this folding story. He's been with Foldingstory since the early cretaceous.He likes a good pun, running gags & funny folds, unlike this one.
11with knives, -Join the Navy, -Instigate jihad, -Remember the Alamo, -Forget your past, -Call your monkey, -Live for yesterday, -Give bad advice, -Buy organic, -Make a list, -Smell
15ee yonder over at that thar RV parked next to it. That's ware he be." The rusty door of the RV opened & the Wizard stepped out, carrying a shotgun. "What yuns want?" Dorothy
12randy bandicoots, seven dancing dingos, eight ejaculating echidnas, nine nesting numbats, ten