FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I live in fear at Starbucks. I am a Barrista of misery, for I suffer from alien hand syndrome.
11that's how Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson became Governor of California. True story.
12e and end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on. When you end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on, you may be filmed on live TV. When you're filmed on live TV, you will
11tripping in them because once I crossed a road gnawing an undercooked spare rib slathered in mayo & didn't see a pothole. I fell, a wasp stung me, a dog licked my ear and a bear
10The first acorn became a lovely Oak Tree of Wisdom. The second a modest Willow of Learning. But the third Acorn of Witchery became a gnarled black Bramble of Buggery. The travelers