FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11a hidden spring launched the bowl of noodles at her face! The noodles were coated with super glue and they stuck to her face! She made matters worse by swinging about wildly and
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
10made it clear that she did not approve but since he was Jim, then it was ok & she & all of her nun sisters would do everything they could to find Tally Olde so that he could dilly
10about three seconds before it happened, which somehow was enough time for the past year and a half to play back in my mind, emphasizing every mistake I made, before I began flying
10Piaget's chiseled chest. Piaget said he'd push me out of my zone of proximal fold development, but first he had to get something off his chest. He put the gun down & gave me a bran