FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Pooh, what happened to the loveable Bear of very little brain?" I asked. "I got dumped by the punk kid and decided to grow up myself. Say, You got smack? My honeypots all out."
12Was she worthy of tasting the noodles, however? There they lay, so perfectly in the china bowl, glistening with butter. She bent her head to fathom the aroma. All of the sudden,
12hunch that his hunchback was going to need more than a spoonful of sugar to choke down, but Manatee ate all of Uncle Hugo's hunch and the pudding as well, and then waited for natur
10--" "Hold on a sec. By putting those quotes around 'take off your underpants' do you mean not literally take off your underpants, but 'take off your underpants' nudge nudge?"
10wishing there was some water with all this sand. (I miss surfing.) Some dude called me Muad'Dib or something. Man its hot, diary. Giant worms approaching. This bites. Gotta go.