FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10They landed at Orange Man's feet. When he unfolded the airplane there was a message. Remember how you got here. (V.Putin). Orange finally understood that he & the Sharks had the sa
11the number of gay or bisexual bananas is much larger than originally thought, and, in addition, the correlation between sexuality and FoldingStory IQ is a function of fruitiness.
11to check on the treasure map. As I'd feared, Blackbeard Jr. had caked it in drool, fingerpaint, and... was that a booger? But beyond my cabin's doors, a crew yearned for direction.
11alive? I picked up the acorn & rolled it between my bloody fingers. It seems I was and this...this little nut must be the reason why, I reasoned. My lucky acorn, it saved my life!
10. I realized then that the rub was a spicy red and black pepper mix. On a whim, I hurled a handful at the wizard's face. As he sneezed, sparkling dust (his powers!) shot out.