FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Officer O'Malley glanced at the photos with a grim,and Valetta flinched.The cops noticed the tension and gave them some space,but kept their ears open for the possible juicy parts.
10really boring. It involved card stock. Embossings. Maybe a little gold leaf to really whip up the zanies. The collection could put a meth head to sleep, that's how boring it was.
10serving horse steaks at the party." George seemed disappointed but said, "Fine." He lead the animal outside, mouth still watering for Christmas Horse.
10that fold was folded until 10 lines had been done. That's when AWW WHO AM I KIDDING? My folds always just end. No one ever adds to them and they just go into some limbo where
10ing...<yawn>...during....ZZzzzzzzhmufffzzzzzzzz...... I woke to the smell of burning jet fuel & scorched flesh. Whaa? I looked around. I was the lone survivor. This was my fault!