FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13-ng. They had overpriced rhinestones, but it was imperative that rhino Jenny get these baubles in order to hide her nose-horn. The ghost of Liberace offered to pay the difference,
10Finally get out of bed to go lay on the couch & dump wine on stack of ungraded papers. Give pupils 0 pts for not handing in assignment. Check reddit. Elon Musk drove circles around
12When you wait for the cable guy, you get bored. When you get bored, you start staring out of windows. When you stare out of windows, you see things you shouldn't see. When you see
13Yeah, sure, whatever. Squawkers the parakeet came home with us & all was fine. Then we started hearing him in the next room singing...was, it couldn't be...Beatles songs?
10and yelled "Roll!" I rolled toward her, smothering my flames, before I noticed the platter of fresh rolls in her hands. "You saved my life, Mrs. McGurk," I said, taking a roll.