FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
10It was his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison. "What a pleasant surprise, Tesla! I'll bet you're SHOCKED to see me!" Nicola smirked and replied, "Negative, Tom, but you do CHARGE me up."
10in the university's rare books room. I donned the bifocals,gray wig,beard & moth-eaten cardigan before entering. Librarians never suspected my disguise. Franklin's laboratory notes
18to her tender tears. But her friend's cardboard shoulders gave her paper cuts in her eyes that was so painful she visited her posterboard doctor who was unmoved by her
11she saw stick man. He tried to save her but ended up adding fuel to the fire. It was the tater tots who saved them. Years of counseling find their father nude next another woman.