FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12ract bad guys, you get into unhealthy relationships. When you get into unhealthy relationships, you overeat to compensate. When you overeat to compensate, you lose self-confidenc
10If only I was whiter than this. The world would be complete. Instead I sit here upon my throne of lies and watch the world burn. This is my story. This is my fate. It is not mine.
11noticing that their was a dark hollowness in their eyes. A smile was plastered on to an empty soul. Each movement seemed almost robotic. As if they had all life sucked from them.
12what all the fuss is about. Spinning lights. danceable music. fashionable clothes. I've seen this image before. I'm not impressed. But then the drugs wore off and the music changed
11g...Warning...Warning' If that thing shut up maybe I could think back to my Fleet Training course. Hmmm. Plasma's gone. No source of backup power on the class A model. Looks like