FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I have recently noticed that some Folders are using Shark Lady, Det. Manatee, and Mrs. Quackenbush as characters in a trifle many (did I just use an oxymoron?) folds..any others?
13afflicted with the unmentionable problem neither of them mentioned. Mr Butterworth massaged the flour into the massive turkey while she stuffed the turkey even more. The oven raged
10I was checking out the new fall line of lacy thongs, when I felt someone come up behind me. "Nice bag," the low rough voice said. I whipped around, my manpurse slapping against his
13My clone and I started eating other until you couldn't tell where he began and I ended and then two snakes slithered by and said, "Wow, well I never. A human Palindrome?
10, which they saw from the neon sign outside was named “Afterlife Market.” They entered & got pissed. It was the only store in the afterlife, & prices were outrageous. Death sucked.