FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14her. Not just any man. It was her father. He was waiting for me. He held a shotgun. "Get ready, boy..." He pointed the gun at me while she adjusted her veil. "Uh, sir..." I stammer
13speckled flycatcher I just saw whizzing by the plane?" I said to the navigator. He looked away and I clocked him atop his head with the fire extinguisher. No more weed for him.
19are proof of a higher power." She was flattened by the flattery and swooned. Flat Stanley roguishly lay her down on the bed but accidentally gave her the mother of all paper cuts.
11Well. . .not miserable enough to make Trump stop communicating to the world via Twitter. He probably sits on the John all night long, passing horrid gas, and twittering about his
19gigantic doggy nose hairs. I'd never seen anything like it. I could get lost in those nostrils. A giant voice boomed, "Fiiiiido, c'mere here!" Buckets of dog drool splattered