FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13In the future, I envision a world where you can control the temperature, where there's nearly unlimited food options, where you can pay for amazing entertainment, sex, drugs, what
10Steve activated the iChute app on his iPhone and did a graceful dive out of the plane. "I love technology!" he yelled, but then looked down at his phone...BUFFERING... No parachute
12I just completely f'ed up someone's foldingstory and feel bad about it.
11And got them on just in time! The honey pot was what Pooh craved most. But he followed instructions. The lederhosen looked okay on Pooh. A little boy passed by and complimented him
13Luca stumbled towards the tracks, reaching for the gold rose. The train was hurtling towards him and he was unsure whether he would reach the rose in time to save it. Just as he