FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19had a voice like cognac and I could drink it in all night. I guess that's how I would up pregnant in the first place. But now that I'm a girl in trouble Dr. Drinkingstein has left
12bath salts; those things can seriously mess with your mind! Anyway, I was then visited by a man with a bow tie, suit, and a police box, telling me, "Ready for an adventure? :D"
10I'm not paranoid! I'm not paranoid! [curtain] Scene 7: [CLARA sprawled onstage, moaning] BUSTER: Well, what's this? Are those tire marks? [hill giggles]
11This kind of "mise en abyme" talk was too much for him to handle and he went into a seizure. During his fugue state, a pot of water was boiling somewhere in the world.
11your mind alone, with your mental contraptions, without even really seeing me. Where I am, you cannot come, but where you are, you can be. Please give it a try.