FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12They activated the squirrel mind control tail antennas. The rodents' necks perked up, and they initiated acorn launcher formations. Passers-by were pelted with nuts spat at 100 km/
10had never had Christmas Horse before, and she certainly wasn't willing to experiment. "Look, George," she began, "You'll have to keep that thing outside, and I better not catch you
12& missed, as usual. "Poor thing," she murmured, sprinkling him with hot sauce for that extra zing. After Salazar finally fell into silent delirium, she let the dogs in to lick his
10Too much thinking." Winston hastily poured water from a house plant down Doris ear canal. "Mjsjhfu! Mjs... Marsupials! What's up with that?" Hardly a puff of smoke from Doris now.