FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13TO THIS FOLD. Peter ignored the warning, showing his complete control over the situation. He stood proud, with his hands on his hips. He was not going to let a silly fold ruin his
10eating right out of a Campbell's Soup can. "Wow. Just wow." he said. "Nice touch." With a quick edit, he upped his score to 3.5 out of 10, the highest score he'd ever granted.
13czeched out the Manilla of geo-pun lingo and Den marked phrases with New Zeal and now Chad was like a Guyana mission. Oman, Kenya believe Iraqed his brain Jamaica Somoa puns Togo
11The auctioneer attempted to look shocked, but the fate of the golden turds were written across his face. Literally.
11Their cloying attentions refined me in a lapidary way until at last I said, "Yes, but we must all be intermarried." But at their rickety wooden mansion, the garden boy