FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Pooh, what happened to the loveable Bear of very little brain?" I asked. "I got dumped by the punk kid and decided to grow up myself. Say, You got smack? My honeypots all out."
13Mrs. Butterworth was displayed in a casket on a pedestal behind velvet rope. As people filed past they received a blast of compressed air aimed at their crotch, making them shriek.
14In his saffron robes and domino mask he became the first Buddhist superhero. He would approach robbers and advise them not to take too much, just the right amount. His sidekick,
11Plus, with Uncle Lenny's colostomy bag right there next to me, I could deposit any other collected meal detritus directly into there, thus saving the typical hassles affiliated
10is inversely proportional to imagination; PurpleProf made 16 accounts, one for each Myers-Briggs type, and wrote her own stories. "I surprise me every time," she cackled. Chaz knew