FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10was wearing a really big bonnet and didn't notice I had substituted a robotic facsimile of yours truly with the knob set to 'canoodle'. My robot twin was complimenting her bashful
13(No FoldingStory participants were harmed in the making of this Fold. Special thanks to MoralEnd, without whom none of this would have been necessary.)
10Now, boys and girls, this is to be a nice, clean story, do you hear? No lewd references to body parts, no toilet humor, no crude or sexual words will be tolerated.
10Having already read the end of this story I can tell you that I'm appalled. I hereby refuse to participate. Specifically, the subtly veiled references in folds 6-8 make me want to
10pursed my lips, crossed my arms, looked up at the ceiling & sort of lollygagged away from this entire filthy situation. My boss noticed something wrong. "What's wrong? Why are you