FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10- you guessed it - more bacon! Guaranteed to improve any situation. Pile it high, slather that with some maple syrup, and gulp down several mugs of Porky's Piggy Pilsner.
11Okay I got it. Street Sweeper Wars, Street Sweeper's Wives, Are You Smarter than a Street Sweeper? Celebrity Street Sweeper, So You Think You Can Street Sweep? Street Sweeper COPS!
10sackcloth & ashes which used to be the go-to fashion statement for medieval atoners has been shunned by Vogue and the bailiffs are hammering on my door. They've taken the sewing
10I do not like them, Herman Cain." "Would you like them freshly slain, shedded bare, or with chow mein?" "I would not like snakes in a train. I would not like them freshly slain,
12He wondered if a hit of acid would silence that faint voice. He ate the sugar cube. His fold went all oogly-woogly and the faint voice became a shrieking raptor. It said, "Write