FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
18find myself strapped to her back as she bungee jumps from a helicopter over the Caspian Sea. My puppet eyes watch in horror as the helicopter seems to become tiny, then larger, as
14I lay there, wondering if I'd broken some FoldingStory law. Would there be repercussions to my unconventional start? I was still awake when I heard a knock on my door. "OPEN UP!
16bowling alley to see if they have 10 pound balls. 11) Snort cocaine off a dolphin that is wearing sunglasses and a gold chain 12) contribute to a folding story checklist 13) Ride a
15back car I found in 6. that I used to car-walk Fido. 10 Buy a new Fido and bury old Fido. 11. Stop watching Letterman's Top Ten. 12 Send my list to Letterman. 13. Stop making list
10It was true, I was the last great folder. I had just found out that morning that I was rendered sterile in that radioactive crazy life of a fold story facilitator. I hope the next