FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10yawned, football. I did all the things someone who is a fan of football is supposed to do. I did this to keep people from thinking there was something wrong with me or my marriage.
10For one thing, his comments on FS were always critical of others' grammatical errors.
11self. I learned that the secret slime word that activated his third nipple/slime faucet was "um", so I'd um until he'd take his slime-drenched shirt off. "So, um, deary, how was
12wealth to PETA!" Scrooge stood up in bed. The Butterball apparition had evaporated. He flew open the windows. "What day is it boy?" "Why, it's Thanksgiving!" "You know of the goose
10Texts of the bible, which when translated properly from the original greek, make it clear that Jesus was actually an alien from the rebulon galaxy.