FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11on the horizon of Planet Pubis. Capt. Shistrome gasped, recognizing...CRAP! "YOU again!" he cried. Chairman only smiled serenely at the captain, ready to wipe that sh*t-eating grin
14the game. "Balls are so re-tarred. And any fan knows that balls get a mud bath and massage beforehand." I wondered why the ball was all up in my face. Suddenly it hit me.
11on the autumnal equinox I had a vision. The giant stones formed 11s and started dancing about. I blame it on the
11his side dish. We were Frank & Cole. We came out strong, me with my sour disposition and Frank with his meaty kielbasa attitude. Ironically we did kill the CEO, a Mr. Oscar Meier
10the tables, spilled six Shirley Temples, and ate the flowering table centerpiece. Like most lizardfolk, Leif was not the best customer, but he loved Rupert's accordion recitals the