FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
17the Mulled Wine decline: almonds and raisin prices were sky-high all over, but especially at the Western Oceans Beach Front, but the Land Sharks didn’t care: they hated glogg.
13The priest faked an eye poke, slapped his cheeks and then pulled them apart and said "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." The Shaolin priest was a three stooges fan! He responded to the priest by
13Lucielucie, the official slag of Folding Story, wasn't fussy about who she folded with. People who were confused about their writing style or just confused, found her easy virtue
10He glared back. It was a glaring contest. My eyes began watering. I propped my eyelids up with toothpicks. He was unwavering. I saw his nose twitch, though. Ah-ha...any moment now.
10know what you're talking about, and wear your tinfoil hat." Dan said, as he handed a triangular cone to put on my head. "Dan, are you sure the aliens are invading now?" I asked him