FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Silence. Jim started shuffling offstage. Then: "Guffaw" from the back corner. Jim's head whipped around & he peered into the darkness. "Two nuns walked into a bar...and...and...
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
10oom. The deafening roar sent us into shivers until Doc shared a round of tranquilizers. We spent the rest of the night, on the floor, listening to Air Supply
10It was like some sort of sadistic ritual to bring the dead fishies back to life! Elliott grew pale. What kind of sick person would do such a thing? That poor librarian, Mrs. Fitz,
13wingnut shop. Wong's Wingnut Emporium. Madame Wong sighed and returned to reality. She stooped to pick up some trash on the floor. But what's this? A lottery ticket with